
Monday, October 24, 2011

Week 13

This week we had my mom's 2 kittens Angus and Sophie (now Amos and Suzie) back for the long weekend. Surprisingly the kittens didn't remember each other after only a week or two, and were growling and hissing and just generally not getting along. It was mostly Seamus that had an issue with them, which I'm guessing because it is his territory now. We took Steve's family's dog Kelsey to K9h2o and brought her over to our place after so the kittens could meet a friendly dog. As expected they bonded together in fear watching this giant panting thing. Unfortunately the bonding was over as soon as Kelsey left. They didn't kill each other, and Suzie and Amos went back home in one piece.

Seamus relaxing now that his brother and sister have left

Seamus "swimming" on the front mat (he pulls himself around with his front paws)

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PitaPata Cat tickers
Steve and I have volunteered at the SPCA since June 2010. We try to go every weekend to walk dogs. I am allergic to cats, but Steve really wanted one. We agreed that we would foster kittens for the SPCA to help the kittens, and to test how my allergies would be. We agreed that we wouldn't keep any kittens from the first litter because wanted to do it more than once. Along came Calliope and her kittens. They captured our hearts and there was no way we could give them all back.