This month was just us and our two kittens, or so we had thought. On the long weekend we were walking dogs at the SPCA and one of the employees talked us in to fostering a 3 month old kitten. Her name was Lily and she was adorable. They said she would only need foster for a week or two until she was big enough to get spayed. We set her up in the bathroom, and our kittens spent a lot of time at the bathroom door. We tried opening the door a crack for them to see her, but they would just paw and hiss. She didn't hide when we went in to see her though. On the second day we let her out. Seamus and Rosie were pretty stressed out and watched her carefully. Seamus decided burying himself in a pile of pillows was the best thing (we call him a cavemon now). Rosie was apprehensive, but Lily tried to play with her. Unfortunately, my allergies were way too bad and we couldn't keep her. Fortunately, Lily was big enough to get spayed, and didn't need as much socializing as we once thought. She was totally fine with us, and by the end of the second day she was chasing our kittens around. Also, she learned how to play with toys, which she didn't really know before. There was someone at the SPCA that came in looking for a Siamese-type kitten, so I am sure she got adopted very shortly after. After he left, we decided that Rosie and Seamus were allowed in the bathroom. Well they thought it was the greatest thing, because previously it was out of bounds. They love the bathtub and sometimes will come in when we are showering. Rosie also figured out how to break through our cardboard wall to the computer room.

We got to see Fergus again |
Lily |
Rosie watching Lily |
Lily having some fun on the cat tree |
Seamus in his cave |
More Cavemon |
Checking out the bathtub |
Running water??! |
Seamus' puffed tail - most likely from Lily |
Lily trying to play with Rosie |
Break and Enter! |