
Thursday, February 16, 2012

January 2012

Here are some of our favourite pics of the kittens from January


One of the kittens new favourite spots

Foam airplane fun!


What is Steve doing??

Seamus' new favourite toy

Amos visit

Shelf Ornament

Cool Rose

Cuddle Time

Nap Time

Fergs visit!

SPCA box modification. Notice Rosie's feet on the bottom and her head at the top.

Big Stretch

Rosie's 2nd floor loft (see new SPCA modification below)

The new SPCA box modification, there is a hole up into the top box with a bed in it. It has become Rosie's new favourite spot. It takes Seamus too much effort to get up there so he leaves her alone. Pictures of her inside are from the "viewing flap" we fashioned.

Leave me alone!

Crazy Amos!!

Scary Amos!

Study helper

Whatcha lookin at?

My lounge buddy

Seamus loves to under Steve's shirt. His favourite places are under the bath mat, in the laundry pile and in Steve's hockey pants.

Costco day! We brought lots of new boxes home for the kittens enjoyment

New Look

Well Christmas is long over, so on to a new look for the blog.

PitaPata Cat tickers
Steve and I have volunteered at the SPCA since June 2010. We try to go every weekend to walk dogs. I am allergic to cats, but Steve really wanted one. We agreed that we would foster kittens for the SPCA to help the kittens, and to test how my allergies would be. We agreed that we wouldn't keep any kittens from the first litter because wanted to do it more than once. Along came Calliope and her kittens. They captured our hearts and there was no way we could give them all back.