
Monday, October 10, 2011

Week 9

You may notice that Fergus and Suzie's faces are getting darker and that they are looking kind of Siamese. Seems weird mixed in with the black and white kittens and the calico ones.

Mother cats, also known as queens, can have a 1 litter of kittens with a few different male cats, therefore creating quite the variety in the appearances of the litter. You can read more about that here.

Also, Cats like Siamese are born white and their colours come in as they get older. You can read about that here.

Rosie climbing Steve's leg while he is trying to prepare their food

Ruthie fell asleep in a measuring cup that we were using to weigh them in

Me right after getting home from work with an Angus in my pocket

Calliope doesn't want her kittens to have all the fun


Suzie and Fergus

Josie looking innocent while Seamus and Ruthie wrestle behind her

One of the many kitten piles

Seamus - you wanna fight?

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PitaPata Cat tickers
Steve and I have volunteered at the SPCA since June 2010. We try to go every weekend to walk dogs. I am allergic to cats, but Steve really wanted one. We agreed that we would foster kittens for the SPCA to help the kittens, and to test how my allergies would be. We agreed that we wouldn't keep any kittens from the first litter because wanted to do it more than once. Along came Calliope and her kittens. They captured our hearts and there was no way we could give them all back.